简介:当我还只是十三岁时,1941年春末的那一天,我初次见到了她那一天,墨索里尼向英法宣战,而我,得到了生命里的第一辆脚踏车。   她,撩著波浪状黑亮的秀发,穿著最时髦的短裙和丝袜,踏著充满情欲诱惑的高跟鞋,来到了西西里岛上宁静的阳光小镇。她的一举一动都引人瞩目、勾人遐想,她的一颦一笑都教男人心醉、女人羡妒。玛莲娜,像个女神一般,征服了这个海滨的天堂乐园。   年仅十三岁的雷纳多也不由自主地掉进了玛莲娜所掀起的漩涡之中,他不仅跟著其他年纪较大的青少年们一起骑著单车,穿梭在小镇的各个角落,搜寻著玛莲娜的诱人丰姿与万种风情,还悄悄地成为她不知情的小跟班,如影随形地跟监、窥视她的生活。她摇曳的倩影、她聆听的音乐、她贴身的衣物都成为这个被荷尔蒙淹没的少年,最真实、最美好的情欲幻想。   然而,透过雷纳多的眼,我们也看到了玛莲娜掉进了越来越黑暗的处境之中,她变成了寡妇,而在镇民...   当我还只是十三岁时,1941年春末的那一天,我初次见到了她那一天,墨索里尼向英法宣战,而我,得到了生命里的第一辆脚踏车。   她,撩著波浪状黑亮的秀发,穿著最时髦的短裙和丝袜,踏著充满情欲诱惑的高跟鞋,来到了西西里岛上宁静的阳光小镇。她的一举一动都引人瞩目、勾人遐想,她的一颦一笑都教男人心醉、女人羡妒。玛莲娜,像个女神一般,征服了这个海滨的天堂乐园。   年仅十三岁的雷纳多也不由自主地掉进了玛莲娜所掀起的漩涡之中,他不仅跟著其他年纪较大的青少年们一起骑著单车,穿梭在小镇的各个角落,搜寻著玛莲娜的诱人丰姿与万种风情,还悄悄地成为她不知情的小跟班,如影随形地跟监、窥视她的生活。她摇曳的倩影、她聆听的音乐、她贴身的衣物都成为这个被荷尔蒙淹没的少年,最真实、最美好的情欲幻想。   然而,透过雷纳多的眼,我们也看到了玛莲娜掉进了越来越黑暗的处境之中,她变成了寡妇,而在镇民们的眼中,她也成了不折不扣的祸水,带来了淫欲、嫉妒与忿怒,而一股夹杂著情欲与激愤的风暴,开始袭卷这个连战争都未曾侵扰的小镇。   玛莲娜一步步地沉沦,与父亲断绝了关系、被送上法院,更失去了所有的财产,这使得向来天真、不经世事的雷纳多,被迫面对这纯朴小镇中,人心的残暴无情,看著已经一无所有的玛莲娜,雷纳多竟鼓起了他所不曾有过的勇气,决定靠著他自己的力量,以一种教人难以料想的方式,来帮助玛莲娜走出生命的泥沼……
主演:Letizia Toni,Selene Caramazza,毛里齐奥·隆巴迪,Noemi Brando,亚历山德罗·库卡,Emanuele Luigi Cuomo,Andrea Delogu,Max Lisa,拉尔夫·帕卡,小弗洛林·皮尔斯齐,Stefano Rossi Giordani,安娜·罗特,克里斯蒂安·斯塔姆

《美丽的叛逆》是一部根据吉安娜·南尼尼的生活改编的电影,由 Indiana Production 负责制作,钦齐娅·TH·托里尼执导,莱蒂齐娅·托尼饰演这位意大利女性摇滚偶像,将于 5 月 2 日在 Netflix 上线。                                                                        本片带我们走近音乐界中最深刻而著名的声音之一,展现了她的生活片段。故事跨越三十年,从童年以及她的生活和事业的起源讲起,以她的奉献作为结尾。此间出现了一个转折点,把吉安娜的生活分成两部分,而这个节点被认为是她真正诞生的时间:1983 年。                                                                        《美丽的叛逆》将观众带入一位能够用诗歌和音乐塑造情感的女性的生活和创造思维之旅。这是一位独特、革命性的艺术家,不被任何体系和定义所束缚,不断追求灵感和转变,将音乐和自由作为她的宣言。                                                                        演员阵容还包括塞伦·卡拉马扎、毛里齐奥·隆巴迪、斯特凡诺·罗西·希尔达尼,以及饰演少年玛拉·马永基的安德烈亚·德洛古。

主演:Letizia Toni,Selene Caramazza,毛里齐奥·隆巴迪,Noemi Brando,亚历山德罗·库卡,Emanuele Luigi Cuomo,Andrea Delogu,Max Lisa,拉尔夫·帕卡,小弗洛林·皮尔斯齐,Stefano Rossi Giordani,安娜·罗特,克里斯蒂安·斯塔姆
主演:巩俐,张震,克里斯托弗·巴克霍尔兹,Regina Nemni,路易莎·拉涅瑞,小罗伯特·唐尼,艾伦·阿金,艾利·凯特斯
简介:God of Love is an American live action short film. The film's run time is approximately 18 minutes. It was written and directed by Luke Matheny, and produced by Gigi Dement, Ryan Silbert, and Stefanie Walmsley. The film was shot in black and white on the Red One camera by director of photography Bobby Webster. In the film, a lounge singer and championship dart player named Raymond Goodfellow is desperately in love with a fellow band-mate, but she only has love for his best friend. The crooner prays daily to God for a way for his beloved to fall in love with him. One evening, his prayers are answered when he's given a box of magical darts with Cupid-like powers. Raymond decides to use the darts to make his own love connection. Raymand Goodfellow rides on a country road on his motor scooter. His voice over explains “You can’t control who you fall in love with, or who falls in love with you. Love doesn’t make sense.” The film flashes back to three months earlier to Ray’s time as a confident, self-centered lounge singer/dart thrower. Ray’s band consists of his friends Fozzie (guitar), Frank (Bass) and the “love of his life” Kelly (drums). Before he joins the band onstage, Ray prays to God asking him for assistance in getting Kelly to love him. Despite Ray’s ongoing affection to her, she seems drawn to Fozzie who, being a good friend to Ray, is rejecting Kelly’s advances. After Ray’s crowd pleasing performance, he is informed by the bartender that someone has left a package for him. The package contains “love darts.” The instructions for the darts explain that when someone is poked with love dart they are immediately attracted to the first person they see. This attraction lasts for 6 hours. At the end of the 6 hours if the love is meant to last it will, but if it doesn’t it won’t. Ray tells Fozzie about the darts and they both agree to have a test run. While the band walks home from a gig, Ray throws a love dart catching a prissy Jersey Girl named Angela. The first man she sees is Ray’s quiet, low-key bandmate Frank. Just as the instructions promised, Angela falls in love with Frank immediately. Ray and Fozzie follow the new couple around. After exactly six hours, Angela appears to still be in love with Frank and Ray declares the darts “effective.” Ray enlists Fozzie’s help in creating the “most romantic six hours” ensuring that Kelly will remain in love with Ray after the love dart’s initial power ends. Fozzie is able to offer several tips, knowing a surprising amount about Kelly and the things that are important to her. Ray goes to Kelly’s house and strikes her with a dart. As promised by the dart’s instructions, she immediately falls in love with him. They go on their date which goes perfectly. Towards the end of the six hours they kiss. When the six hours end, Kelly looks uncomfortable, thanks him for the evening, and leaves. It is clear that the love from the dart did not last. Ray consoles himself by poking one woman after another until he has a whole flock of women (and one man) who are completely in love with him for six hours. During this time all he can do is talk about getting Kelly to fall in love with him again. He even contemplates convincing her that she has diabetes so she has to poke herself with the love darts over and over again. The love darts wear off and he is alone again, ready to try to the darts on Kelly one more time. Walking home from another gig with his band Ray prepares to throw a second dart at Kelly. Moments before throwing the dart he realizes that his loyal friend Fozzie is really in love with her and that she is really in love with him. Instead of striking Kelly with the dart, he hits Fozzie right as he looks up at Kelly. The two instantly fall in love with each other. A wiser and less self-centered Ray returns to his apartment. He finds another mysterious box outside his apartment with a note that says “nice work.” He opens the box and finds Cupid’s bow and arrow. The film flashes forward to six months in the future at the point the film began. The band continues but without Ray, Angela is the new singer. Frank and Angela and Fozzie and Kelly are still very much in love. Ray is many miles away driving on his motor scooter on the country road his bow and arrow tied to his back. He repeats “you can’t control who you love, or who loves you.” He ends by saying that love doesn’t make sense. He knows all this because “I am the God of the Love.”
主演:巩俐,张震,克里斯托弗·巴克霍尔兹,Regina Nemni,路易莎·拉涅瑞,小罗伯特·唐尼,艾伦·阿金,艾利·凯特斯
简介:妓女卡比利亚(茱莉艾塔·玛西娜 Giulietta Masina 饰)一直梦想和自己的爱人过上甜蜜安稳的日子。然而,单纯善良的她在一开始就被男友骗光了钱,并被推入河中,差点丧命。即使遭遇如此羞辱,她还是对爱情充满希望。一次,她在街上偶遇一个刚和女友吵架的男演员,被他邀请 回家过夜。正当她受宠若惊、满心欢喜之际,男演员的女友上门求和,这让卡比利亚再次伤心欲绝。不久,她又在剧场遭遇到一位英俊男子的疯狂追求,起初她有点不自信,但最终还是接受了这位男子的求婚,并变卖所有家产,准备与未婚夫共赴美好新生活。然而,在途中她的未婚夫居然也露出骗子的本性,抢走了她的钱,并差点害死她。一无所有的卡比利亚疯狂痛哭,悲伤欲绝。她独自晃悠在路上,一群活泼的男女从身边经过,他们快乐地边走边唱,欢乐氛围让灰心的卡比利亚受到感染,她的脸上又露出了招牌式的笑容。 本片获得第30届奥斯卡最佳外语片,第10届戛纳电影节最佳女演员奖。