该表演在切尔滕纳姆普通人剧院拍摄,包括Kaleb对从羊到名人的任何东西的独特观察和强烈看法,以及为什么农业是世界上最好的工作。它还凸显了英国农民今天面临的挑战。 谈到这次经历,Cooper说:“我很幸运能参加一次精彩的戏剧巡演——也是第一个能够这么说的农民!我遇到了一些很棒的人,和每个来的人都笑得很开心。 “现在能够与观看Prime Video的人分享这个,意味着农业将处于更大的舞台上。我真的很期待为家里的人们带来所有的农业乐趣,并强调影响农业的重要问题。”
Ventriloquist Dunham's iconic characters portray roles from A Christmas Carol. Walter as Scrooge clashes with Bubba J, Peanut, Little Jeff and Achmed over their assigned parts.
Written and Performed by Larry Dean Directed by Mason Stade Produced by Daniel England Executive Producer Hannah Chambers Producers Kathleen Price Annie MacSorley Pádraig Mac Anraoi Barney Harwood Editor Mason Stade Director of Photography Pádraig Mac Anraoi Production Design Annie MacSorley Camera Operators Pádraig Mac Anraoi Annie MacSorley Barney Harwood Mason Stade Sound Recordist Jordan Baker Sound Mixing Alastair Clayton Colorist Tom Aston Titles and Credits Turtle Canyon Media Live show directed by Jim Campbell Live show co-directed by Dave Longley Creative Consultant Ric Wharton Production Associate Izzy Wharton Photographer Matt Crockett Filmed at The Stand Comedy Club (Glasgow) Special thanks to John Hastings The Byrne Family Sofie Hagen Gordon Susan Riddle Tom Stade Trudy Stade Liz MacSorley Matt Price Jack Campbell Evan Desmarais Mikey Crump In memory of Paul Byrne (1977-2022) Low Lean Productions and Chambers Productions
Halberstadt, the summer of 1990: Maren, Robert, and Volker come across millions of East German marks in an old tunnel. Although the money is technically worthless, the three friends smuggle it out in their backpacks and involve their neighbors in a clever scheme to cheat capitalism by exchanging it for goods.
万廷方,一名热情被消磨殆尽的广告导演,在寿命所剩无几之际,碰上来自地府的三哥四爷,而他们竟是想找人拍…A片! ?只要拍A片给鬼看,廷方就能换取阳寿。但没钱没时间的他,只好找岳母晓芳来支援,不料岳母在片场大解放,他也重拾创作的热情。但非法的阳间A片被城隍爷发现,便派鬼差缉查,廷方的「死线」也正逐步逼近…
Netflix has announced that a brand new comedy special from Jamie Foxx will be premiering later this year.